10 Ways To Design The PR Agency Of The Future

The financial, political, technological and media worlds have changed dramatically since the start of the 21st century. The global economic crisis, stagnation in the developed economies and growth in emerging markets, the rise of digital and social communications channels and the fragmentation of mainstream news outlets—these changes have all prompted new threats, and opened up new opportunities, for the public relations business.

But to take advantage of these changes, public relations firms need new business models, new—and more diverse—talent, and new ways of thinking. To put it mildly, a public relations agency designed to meet the major challenges of the 20th century is unlikely to succeed in the 21st.

Yet many of the world’s largest agencies, and a surprising number of midsize firms, continue to operate as if little has changed. Their infrastructure is a legacy from a different age, they have the same practice areas (often conflating actual practices such as corporate communications and product marketing, with industry sectors such as healthcare and technology), the same geographic structures, the same silos that served them (not always well) a decade or more ago.

And many of them have failed to integrate new ideas, new technologies and new media, into the way they do business—often treating changes that ought to disrupt existing models as if they can simply be bolted on to the old model.

Every time they do that, they miss an opportunity to create something genuinely disruptive, and they double down on their investment in traditional, vestigial, thinking—increasing their vulnerability to new firms with new ways of thinking.

Many of the firms in this volume are already acting on some, perhaps many, of the ideas presented here. Some have radically restructured their business using their own ideas of what the future will demand. It’s doubtful whether anyone has all the answers when it comes to creating a new model for the public relations firm, but there are several ideas that all agencies should be exploring or considering.


1. Big data at the center

Three years ago, I found myself in Davos—at a conference called Communication on Top—debating the future role of public relations in a shifting world. My own optimistic view was challenged by Marshall Sponder, an expert in web analytics. His major complaint: that PR people did not understand how to use big data; his big prediction: that within a couple of years, every PR agency that wanted to be taken seriously would have a chief data officer, playing a significant role in the leadership of the organization.

To say that progress on this score has been mixed would be extremely generous to the industry as a whole. There has been plenty of evidence that putting data and analytics at the center of communications can be incredibly powerful—the Obama re-election campaign is the most obvious example—but there has been incremental progress at best when it comes to using data to drive marketing and corporate communications more broadly, and only a handful of firms have anyone in a role roughly equivalent to Sponder’s chief data officer role.

2. Insight to drive meaningful creativity

One reason data is important is that it lays the foundation for the kind of insight—into stakeholder attitudes, values, beliefs and actions—that ensure relevance.

For too long, many public relations people—like the baseball scouts in Michael Lewis’s Moneyball who believed that they could identify a good baseball player based on little more than attitude, posture, and physique—have operated on the assumption that their years of experience alone meant that they knew a good PR campaign when they saw it.

But all too often, the ideas they generated were creative just for the sake of it. They resonated with reporters, but not with the wider audiences they were intended to reach. They provided entertainment value but didn’t do anything to influence behavior. They were “great” PR ideas with no business benefit.

Great data alone will not ensure great PR programming. But better data will lead to better insights. And better insights will lead to more creative public relations ideas—ideas that solve real business problems.

3. Understanding the human brain

Edward L Bernays would insist loudly to anyone who would listen that public relations was “applied social science.” That was true in the industry’s early days, when Bernays and others were pioneering a new discipline, and it remains true today.

What has changed is that we have new ways of understanding how the human mind words, how people decide what to believe, how they process information, how they make choices.

Most PR people could benefit from going back and reading Bernays’ classic The Engineering of Consent. But they should also be reading more recent volumes such as The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell, Nudge by Richard Thaler and Cass Sunstein, Made to Stick by Chip Heath, or Contagious by Jonah Burger. Or listening to neuroscientists like David Eagleman, who presented at our first Global Public Relations Summit in 2012 and provided numerous insights—some of them quite shocking—into the ways emotional responses can overrule the rational mind, and the unconscious supersede the conscious.

Understanding the latest thinking in this area is essential for anyone hoping to change attitudes and behaviors.

4. Managing reputation is about more than just communicating reputation

There are two necessary preconditions if a company is to have a good reputation (by which we mean a reputation that strengthens the relationship between a company and its key stakeholders, reducing risk and providing greater opportunity). First, it must earn that reputation; then it must communicate what it has done to earn it.

The first of those things is by far the most important; traditionally, public relations firms have spent far more time and energy on the second. There is probably still a very good living to be earned that way—effective communication remains important; but firms that can help their clients earn the right kind of reputation—by helping to shape policy rather than explain it—will deliver and derive far greater value in the future.

This requires an understanding of corporate culture, and corporate values, and how to communicate them so that executives communicate them through their words and—infinitely more important—their deeds; employees believe in them and live them; and external stakeholders understand them and believe that they are authentic.


5. Becoming real brand journalists

The public relations industry has always recruited former journalists. But historically, it has demanded that they stop acting like journalists. Their perceived value was their ability to craft stories that their former colleagues would find interesting or appealing.

But that approach ignored their true value. Real brand journalism is not just about telling good stories, it’s about identifying and researching and developing those stories.

By hiring people who think and act like journalists, and encouraging clients to allow these “brand journalists” full access, PR firms can provide tremendous value. A PR person who looks at a client from a true journalistic perspective should be able to unearth both positive news (authentic stories that reinforce the messages a company wants to communicate about itself) and not-so-positive news (helping clients identify areas of reputation risk).


Complete Article: http://www.holmesreport.com/featurestories-info/13365/10-Ways-To-Design-The-PR-Agency-Of-The-Future.aspx

Indian PR Agency Ready Reckoner

Dear All,

Indian PR Forum, India’s largest forum for PR professional has taken lead to create a ready reckoner of Indian PR agencies functioning in India. This initiative will make the client’s job easier to identify the agency of their choice and generate RFPs for all agencies across India. Request you to kindly fill in the details as per the attached format and send it to indianprforum@gmail.com (Format can also be downloaded from this link https://docs.google.com/document/d/1EGUzmt6pJEWhRA_xGcHrQI1-o48KOuw7iAyQkzj5bMQ/edit). Forms can be filled in by all agencies and freelancers practicing across India.

We will host this ready reckoner on our Blogs: www.indianprforum.wordpress.com / www.vikypedia.in /www.indianmarketingmantras.com


Also we will reach out to various international clients planning to foray into India and looking for PR partners.

Indian PR Forum is India’s largest and most active forum of PR professionals across India with over 2500 members on the Google Groups platform and over 2300 on the LinkedIn Groups.

We will update this information every 6 months in the month of July and January every year. This info will also form basis for future information sharing, interview and news updates for our soon be launched newsletter– PR Next.

Download Form: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1EGUzmt6pJEWhRA_xGcHrQI1-o48KOuw7iAyQkzj5bMQ/edit

Indian PR Agency Tracker.docx
18K   View   Download
Vikram Kharvi pr.vikram@gmail.com
Jun 20 (5 days ago)

to indian-pr-forum
Dear IPRF Members,

Please refer to the email shared yesterday on creating a ready reckoner for our PR sector, which will give details of all the agencies and freelancers operating in India. This will be hosted on all our web properties and can be a handy guide for clients based in Indian and abroad for sending out RFPs. This will be a good source of information for all if the drive of collecting data is successful.
Please forward to the responsible persons in the agency and ask them to send us the filled form atindianprforum@gmail.com
Each one’s help in making this initiative will be highly appreciated.
Best Regards,

Best Regards,

Vikram Kharvi
Reputation Management Consultant

Mobile: 9930143550  |  Email: pr.vikram@gmail.com

Blog: www.vikypedia.in   |   Twitter   |   LinkedIn   |   Facebook  |   Indian PR Forum

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The Dark side of the ‘Numbers Game’ in PR- —— Have you ever been there!?

Hi All,
As a part of my daily routine,of my highly stressed and  PRish life of dealing with clients and media,  I dedicate a few minutes  of everyday to read about people, media-oriented news, articles that will help me to enhance my client servicing skills, while at the same time mold me into a PR consultant of the “future”.
I read blogs by digital experts, media gurus, journalist friends, client-authored blogs, etc. During one such reading session, I came across one of the most beautiful yet “difficult-to answer” question raised by a PR expert. The fact that, I have known this expert for quite some time on a personal and professional front, was  one of the reasons, I went on to the blog… but the reason why I stayed and read the entire blog post—– the question that hounds most of the PR community, especially the newbies….
The answer is that- It can’t be measured…. as PR by definition means “bonds/influential relationships formed over a period of time, to an extent, where people stand by you- No matter what, believe you and  you truly “out-behave” the competition.
No one has answers to this…… This blog attempts to define the “nightmarish experience”, every PR person has to go through….

The Dark side of the ‘Numbers Game’ in PR

Happy reading!
(PR newbie eager to learn the tricks of the trade!)

Public Relations in India – Evolving but Confused

India is still a very young and developing PR market as compared to the other developed economies in the world, brimming with a talent pool of fairly young professionals. About 40-50 thousand professionals work in this sector either in PR agencies or form a part of the internal communications team. The demand for PR professionals is increasing with every passing day as many foreign companies are looking at India as an important profit center and even domestic companies are now waking up to the importance of reputation and positive brand communications. Many international PR firms have made beeline into the country and domestic PR firms are expanding & growing or merging with international PR brand.

On the other hand, while there is demand for PR services in India, the reputation of the reputation management profession is heavily tarnished. It is not in the list of top 10 choicest professions for youngsters. Media do not respect PR pros and the feeling is mutual in most cases though both are vital to each other.  Strategies do come out from the caps of top notch agency leads but die out before delivering any significant media visibility. Proactive PR is an ugly looking animal who we don’t even want to touch and are happy doing glorified post man’s job of conveying client initiatives to the media.

Have we ever wondered that, are we ready to take on the humongous growth that will soon enter India benefiting the Indian PR sector, will the clients trust us to manage their reputation or there will be a birth of new set of businesses who will walk away with opportunities meant for us, like it happened with Social Media business? The problem probably lies at the bottom of the pyramid – our own young trainees or junior executives who frontend the client and even the media.

I would like to know from the senior members of the team what training they actually offer to the new joinees.

  • Do we do anything beyond an induction process, which can last from 1-2 days?
  • How are they trained on gaining the understanding on the client and the sector the client operates in? Are there any internal checks on gaging their knowledge on the sector and the client?
  • Do we teach them how to research or simply leave them to the God Google and assume that they will learn to work around with keywords
  • Before pitching to the journalist are they trained enough to know the media; the journalist they are pitching to on what kind of stories they cover (not the beat but the journo’s focus of writing stories?)
  • Do we invest enough time in helping them identify a story and train them how they create a theme out of the idea and pitch it appropriately to the appropriate journalists?
  • Do we train them on identifying accurate target audience; understand the demographics of the diversified Indian market, and different consumer behavior across states?

I can safely say that only handful of agencies must be having some processes to address some or only few points mentioned above. The moment the trainee joins in, probably the first task given to them is to disseminate a press release and follow-up on the same. Three drastic damages can result from this

1) Before even starting the relationship with the media, the trainee in most cases spoils it and the perception stays in the particular journalist’s mind for the rest of his career as a joke.

2) The brand of the agency is miss represented and

3) Finally the spillover happens on the entire sector’s perception i.e. all PR guys are idiots.

Please don’t think that I am putting the entire blame on our youngsters, not at all, they are rarely at fault. It is the fault of the way we operate and do business, the way we choose talent and nurture them.

Let’s analyze why this happens:

  1.  Agencies in most cases are under paid and hence the concept of dedicated resource, who will invest time in researching and ideation, is very rare.
  2. Every Account Manager (the most important link between the client and the agency) is over stressed, managing on average 3-4 accounts, which obviously leaves hardly any time for them to train their juniors. Also they themselves have been promoted to the position of an Account Manager after spending 3-4 years in the business without actually being trained on the fundamentals.
  3. People above Account Managers, most of the time are busy running behind new business and better opportunities.
  4.  Everyone is only interested in one thing – COVERAGE, how you manage to get it is nobody’s problem

The problem may be even more deep rooted, lets mull over the following points

How are PR professionals recruited or brought into the system?

  1.  Ex- Journalists – Why – because they seem to have nose for the news, can understand story opportunities and may have already some connections with the media. They typically join at a level of Sr. Account Executive or Manager. Majority of today’s senior PR pros have come from this route, most have been successful barring few, who could not manage the pressure of client servicing.
  2. The second group is of graduates, with some PR qualification – Diploma or the most recent Degree in Mass Communications. 40% of trainee to Sr. Executive level comprises of people coming through this route. It is here that the sector need to work together in enhancing the quality of talent

a.       We all know what is taught at the PR institutes or mass communications courses is far different from what happens practically

b.      Mass Communications Degree courses are not specifically designed for PR professionals, most join to enter Advertising or Journalism and very few are really interested in choosing PR as a profession.

c.       Advertising is the most preferred option even if it offers lesser starting pay than the PR firms

d.      Students who opt for PR have a very superficial understanding of the profession, which soon gets shattered immediately after they join work

e.      The sector is not attractive enough for marketing management graduates, for the perceptions that exists in the outside world or probably because the sector cannot meet their expectations in terms of pay packets.

The point I am trying to bring forward is that we don’t get the cream of the talent for our sector and whatever we get, we let them rot and leave them to learn and earn on their own.

All this above in turn impacts the credibility of the sector. We are supposed to be the consultants for the clients and advise them on how he can improve and safeguard their reputation, but do we have professionals to meet the client’s expectations. We are consciously trapped in the vicious circle i.e. we cannot establish our importance and credibility and hence we cannot demand higher retainer fees, so we cannot afford better talent with aptitude and knowledge to understand consumers & market and hence lower level of client satisfaction.

And why are we not doing much to change the situation?

Because, we are comfortable with our typical “Chalta Hai” attitude. The business is running and is also growing thanks to the current economy. If few clients are unhappy, there are many who are living with it and few are not even concerned to know where their money is going. If few of them leave, new ones will come. Who really cares or should care other than the agency owners as each individual employee’s average tenure at the agency is maximum 3 years. So let it continue the way it is.

I know I have angered many and few may even agree but what happens with that? Will we change?

Share your views….

Best Regards,

Vikram Kharvi
Reputation Management Consultant

Mobile: 9930143550  |  Email: pr.vikram@gmail.com

Blogs: www.vikypedia.in | www.indianmarketingmantras.com  |   Twitter   |   LinkedIn   |   Facebook  |   Indian PR Forum

Subscribe to updates on Vikypedia.in by Email  |  in Facebook  | at Linkedin

(An authoritative source on PR & social media scenario in India)


Media Analysis and Evaluation

This gallery contains 1 photo.

In a 1966 lecture at the Kaufman Art Gallery in New York City, McLuhan said, “The medium is the massage, not the message. It really works us over; it really takes hold and massages the population in a savage way.” … Continue reading

PR should stand up to scribes – Column in DNA


Found this column in DNA. Felt it’s worth sharing.. Read on :D

Surekha Pillai: PR should stand up to scribes

Surekha Pillai | Sunday, August 28, 2011

One of the most exciting — and sometimes nerve wracking — events in the life of a PR fresher is when s/he is first assigned to an outstation project. I got my break a year after I joined a PR agency, when I was sent to Calcutta to coordinate three media interviews for an overseas client. I prepared well for the project, and the media outlets I had pitched to readily agreed to the interviews. I sent extensive briefing material to the journalists, reconfirmed the meetings, and finally reached Calcutta after enjoying what was my first flight experience.

After meeting the client, I reached the first media outlet — a leading newspaper in Calcutta — to pick up the journalist. I walked into the bustling business bureau where I was taken to the correspondent who was busy tapping away at the keyboard. I flashed a big smile, introduced myself and told him that the car was waiting outside. He looked up at me and casually said: “Oh I can’t make it. I’m busy, something has come up.” I froze for several seconds while he went back to his tapping.

After what seemed like an eternity, I managed a weak smile and reminded him that I had reconfirmed the interview the previous evening and the client who was waiting to meet him at the hotel had travelled from the US just for these meetings. Nothing happened. In a last-ditch effort, I requested him to send a colleague. “No one is free.” I walked out, sat on a bench and wept, battling visions of a furious client and a boss morphed into one fire-breathing dragon enveloping me in flames. I am not sure what made me do what I did next — perhaps it was fear — but I walked into the chief of bureau’s room and, in between tears, narrated what had happened and pleaded with him to assign someone. Luckily he did and the day was saved.

I experienced different versions of this event throughout my PR career. Once a trainee reporter was sent as a replacement to a business magazine editor to interview a global CEO, and asked him questions about competitor brands, assuming them to be from his company’s portfolio. A reporter once showed up over 90 minutes late for an interview with a company chairman after assuring me every five minutes that he would be reaching in the next five.

Then there was this time a TV journalist, after confirming the show she wanted to interview my client for, walked in without the camera crew and said she just wanted an informal chat. On another occasion, a show producer repeatedly assured me a journalist was on her way to meet my client — an Ambassador — as I continued to wilt under his glare. The journalist didn’t show up and I saved those SMSes for years as a reminder of how some journalists could deliberately mislead.

Another memorable incident comes from a time when a reporter from India’s top news daily demanded I leave the room in which the interview I helped set up (with a much-in-demand music director who hadn’t yet won an Academy Award) was being held. I refused to leave my client’s side. The interview took place and was soon followed up with a call from a shrieking editor of the entertainment supplement to my boss with an order that I call her up and apologise within the next 10 minutes. My boss was kind enough to pass on the message and leave the decision to me. I didn’t make the call mostly out of anger and partly from fear — the editor was known to be a terror.

The PR industry is replete with stories about journalists’ appalling levels of arrogance and unprofessionalism. While a large part of it could be attributed to their cocky assumption that the PR community needs them more than the other way round, much of it is also a result of PR professionals taking this impudence without protest. If no solution comes to mind, dear PR industry, a hunger strike to get media to accord due respect to PR might not be a bad idea. Anybody?

Pallavi Palan
Blogger at The Color Purple

Tech PR in India, now an International Game – Watch out

William Mills Agency, the largest independent public relations firm focusing on technology in the United States, announced it has opened a new office in Mumbai, India and appointed Saba Kazi as vice president for William Mills Agency India. 

William Mills Agency India serves technology clients targeting the Indian market as well as Indian technology companies interested in offering their products and services within the United States.

Kazi leads William Mills Agency India’s operations throughout India from the Mumbai office. Her responsibilities are focused on leading the organization’s expansion plans and conducting public relations activities for clients. 

Kazi has been in public relations since 2001 and has served several major brands such as Experian Credit Information Company of India, Reliance Telecommunications, Reliance Infrastructure, CNBC India, Sony Entertainment Television, Bharti Airtel and FINO. Prior to joining the agency, she worked with Corporate Voice Weber Shandwick, Genesis Burson-Marsteller and represented Intercraft Trading and Bigadda.com.

 Kazi earned a degree in English literature from Mumbai University and studied journalism at K. C. College in Mumbai.

 “William Mills Agency India’s Mumbai office was opened to meet the need for communications services that are focused on India’s growing technology industry,” said William Mills III, CEO of William Mills Agency in a press release. “Working together, Saba Kazi and the William Mills team are leveraging their skills and experience in the tech industry into a competitive advantage for companies interested in selling their products and services in India, as well as Indian companies seeking to grab market share in the United States.”

 This is the second pure technology communications agency starting operations in India after Waggener Edstrom, which has its office in BKC, Mumbai headed by Madhuri Sen.

 Also heard that even Webber Shandwick is also in the process of strengthen its technology practice. This sends a clear message to other pure tech communications’ agencies or tech practices in the larger agencies of an alarming competition. Innovation and more value add will be the clear differentiating factors. Rationalizing ROI will be now the norm

While for Tech PR practitioners it is a good opportunity to move out of their comfort zones and learn some international best practices, but at the same the hike up their servicing skills as well as domain knowledge.


Best Regards,

Vikram Kharvi
Reputation Management Consultant

Mobile: 9930143550  |  Email: pr.vikram@gmail.com

www.vikypedia.in   |   Twitter   |   LinkedIn   |   Facebook  |   Indian PR Forum


Debatable: What makes a good PR pro: A degree or a journalism background?

Hi All,

Came across this debatable article about what makes a good PR professional, a degree or journalism experience. It is authored by Debra Caruso is president/owner of DJC Communications, a media relations firm in New York City. Please read on the article to know the authors view.

It will also be interesting to know your views on the same. Let us discuss and educate the budding PR professionals on which path they should follow. 


What makes a good PR pro: A degree or a journalism background?

This former journalist (hint, hint) posits four reasons that experience trumps a degree. Do you agree?

By Debra Caruso

3 August 2011

In my experience, I’ve found that the most successful PR people are those who think and act like reporters. Anyone in sales will tell you that you have to know your customer base. For those of us who toil pitching stories to reporters, it certainly helps—and may be imperative—to have the journalistic background that tells how to define a story, write it and present it. PR is sales, and reporters are the customers.

When I was a journalism student at Fordham University, one of my instructors was a news director at a New York City radio station. He told us repeatedly to use the “who cares?” rule to decide which stories to choose for that night’s newscast. Who cares if a guy drove off the George Washington Bridge? Who cares if the price of oil went through the roof today?

The answer to “who cares?” would determine the order of the stories. If more people care about the price of oil than the poor guy who drove off the bridge, then oil is the top story. Journalists know this viscerally. PR people who have never worked in a newsroom may not have that kind of news judgment.

Here’s a quick recap of four key reasons why journalists make the best PR pros. If your department or hiring manager is debating whom to hire—a former journalist versus someone who has never worked the newsroom—offer this list.

 1.   A nose for news will help drive client coverage.

First and foremost, it’s our job as PR pros to advise clients on what stories to send out. We’re successful if we can do this with authority. There’s no use letting a client believe that a ho-hum story will sell; we will only look foolish when we can’t sell it. With a reporter’s nose for news, we know to offer the proper advice. If the client knows our background as journalists, he or she will take it.

 2. Press releases and company/client copy will be more clear, compelling and accurate.

It is likewise with the writing of a news release. Write your release as well as the stories in newspapers (on websites, etc.), and without the back-patting, peddling and verbosity some would include. Releases should also include data to support what’s presented. Who better to write a release than the former journalist who has written a thousand stories, and to whom writing comes naturally? Yes, there may be messaging slipped in and a quote attributed to the client, but a good release will be solid news that a media outlet will be happy to share with readers.

 3. Hit rates for client or company pitches will increase.

A former reporter knows not to call reporters when they are on deadline—harder these days because of around-the-clock-news—and to make it quick. It is best to avoid these phone calls, but if necessary, include only pertinent information.

 4. Media connections will increase and reporter rapport will improve.

Journalists know how to follow a reporter and get to know what topics the person is most likely to report on. Good PR people, like journalists, scour news outlets and read everything they can get their eyes on. They know who’s covering what.

 If PR pros are really good, by the time they make a pitch they are able to offer other interview subjects (even if they don’t represent them) and other angles to a story. Former journalist PR pros think like reporters and do everything in their power to help them put together a piece they can sell to an editor.

 My background is in radio news; I worked on constant deadline in a busy New York City newsroom. I had to interview newsmakers, cut tape, write stories and package a five-minute newscast, often in fewer than 30 minutes.

There is no better training in decision-making, writing, interviewing and presenting. I learned that there was no such answer as “no.” If there was a story that required an interview from a certain politician, that person had to be found. Deadlines were immovable, and there was no excuse for dead air—not even a split second for a pause or misstep.

This is the way it is in PR, especially when working with journalists at major outlets. If you want your clients to be in a story, you have to make the interview happen per the reporter’s deadline. It helps to beat the deadline so the competition doesn’t snag it first.

 There is a potential downside to all of this. Former journalists generally have a number of friends and colleagues working as reporters or editors at the outlets they pitch. Some would say this is an advantage, and they’d be right. But it can also be a disadvantage.

 When we are close to someone, it can be difficult to approach him time and again asking for coverage. We don’t want to damage friendships. For me, this was the most difficult part of the transition from the newsroom to the agency. Though I’ve bitten the bullet hundreds of times to make those pitches, I have winced on many occasions. Having these contacts is helpful, but good businesspeople must be judicious.

 Also, I will admit that there are good public relations programs at some very good universities. I wouldn’t shy away from hiring someone who came to me with a PR degree and the skills described above, but I would prefer a seasoned journalist.

Debra Caruso is president/owner of DJC Communications, a media relations firm in New York City. She is a former reporter and producer for WHN Radio in New York, and former news director at WFUV Radio. A version of this article originally ran on PR Café.

Best Regards,
Richa Seth

PR Consultant
Mob: 9930143531
Email id: 
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Of Speak Asia & PR


This story on an alleged scam involving Speak Asia makes a disturbing reading and raises several questions on the functioning of PR agencies.
While Perfect Relations says it snapped its links the moment it got to know about the criminal cases, the issues like doing a through homework about clients, the credentials of their business etc., need to be looked into before PR consultants take on assignments.
There is a very thin line that separates Pr from advocacy.
Request the forum members to share their opinions in the interest of the credibility of the profession.
Thanks & Regards
BNK 24×7
Hand phones: